“Games bring us together. They create laughter, competition, challenges, and above all, fun.“

– The Mitchell family, founders of Game Knight
I’ve always loved games. I’ve been ‘hooked’ for as long as I can remember. My dad taught me the games of his generation like Cribbage, Poker, Backgammon, Chess and Euchre, and growing up I pursued games in whatever manner I could. From the NES my parents gave me for Christmas when I was 6 years old to the High Elf army I bought in the eighth grade after saving all summer working on a farm, gaming has been my longest and most passionate hobby.
And that passion spread! I was lucky to have very accommodating parents – All through high school we hosted “Game Night” every Friday night, and our house was turned upside down on a weekly basis as a dozen of our friends would show up to play Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k, or a range of video games. Now that I’m an adult (or, I pretend to be) I host regular gaming nights myself, and I’ve added several board games and other war-games to the list of games we play.
I think one of the main reasons gaming has always been so prevalent in my life is the social aspect of it. Some of my best memories and most anticipated events are game nights with my friends. Games bring us together, create laughter, competition, frustration, and above all, fun. That’s the foundation for Game Knight. I want to share my weekly Game Nights with all of you, at Game Knight!
Why Game Knight?
So, we’ve established that I love tabletop gaming, but – why Game Knight? Well, for years my wife and I have been joining local sports leagues (We play volleyball on Tuesdays and Soccer on Sundays!) – There are several leagues available, playing any night of the week. So if you’re intersted in playing a sport, you can just pick a night and join a team and have a consistent, weekly schedule. You don’t have to find the players or space – it’s easy to jump in and start playing.
This is fantastic for sports players, but what about my other passion – Gaming!? If I want to play Warhammer once a week, against a different opponent, where do I go? Is it consistent? Is the terrain set up and ready to go? What if I want to play Settlers of Catan? Or D&D?
This is where Game Knight comes in. Organized leagues for a breadth of tabletop games so anyone can easily jump in and play their favorite games!
Monday : 6 pm - 11 pm
Tuesday : 6 pm - 11 pm
Wednesday : 6 pm - 11 pm
Thursday : 6 pm - 11 pm
Friday : 6 pm - 1 am
Saturday : 1 pm - 1 am
Sunday : 1 pm - 11 pm
38 Adelaide St N
Unit 2A
London, Ontario
N6B 3N5